Sunday 24 January 2010

Exam time in the rest of the world...

Having read 15 pages of The Iliad, I felt it was time for a congratualtory study break, and so I came on here to release my boredom..
I am listening to the Bangles Manic Monday, Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse of the heart and researching things to do in London, when I go for the second time this week, on Wednesday.
I am meeting my mum on Thursday, so I think we are going on the London eye and a couple of museums, maybe V and A and National Gallery.
On the Wednesday I'm thinking Imperial War Museum and St. Paul's Cathedral...I would go shopping but have absolutely no money at all other than what has gone into train fare and hostels...

I am curretly reading' White Tiger', which actually a really good book, it won the Man booker prize. It's also narrates the life of a man born into poverty in India, in what he refers to as the 'Darkness', and his climb up the social ladder. It is all done through his letters to a chinese statesman, he narrates the real effect of India's economic position, the role and development of the entrepeuner, and the real side of Indian democracy, all through the narrative of the letter. I think he starts killing people quite soon though...I think he becomes a psychopath..we shall see.
It is such an accessible book to read, it is one of those books, in which the narrator is supposed to be of low social standing and poor education, but his observant nature elevates the narrative style. It's awesome!
Also reading the Iliad, that's just a lot of greek men in skirts, not particularly interesting, all that has happened so far is that they steal each others women and have a fight about it...
Also, just looked at my ticket for London, 9.30am, here's hoping I'm not going to be standing all day!
I haven't really done much else...
Ergo Bibamus

Saturday 23 January 2010


I am being suitably lazy considering my lack of work AND have been searching random stuff on here for a is a pick of the best! WAYYY to much time on my hands...

Watch this..I dare you not to cry!

And Http://

And!! Its like charlie and the choclate factories squirrels!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Once again Insomnia!

Ah! Yeah still an insomniac...but the good news is I am now officially free of Middle English! I have twelve days off!!
I celebrated the end of exam (singular) with all the awesome Englishy people last night, and am slightly ashamed to admit have a few blank spots and a mysterious cut on my hand.
I would like to recommend Frank Turner (lol sorry sophie, but come to his gig!!!)

Erm...sorry my brain is not at its best at this time :-0
But also have a glance at Sleep talking man..its HI-larious.
Furthermore, my How I met your mother interest has become obsession, it is AMAZING! Truly!
It is one of those things, when you can't sleep, I have started cleaning my room, I now have a clean desk, miracle! Mostly clean floor, and all my clothes are hung up!
It's a little bit of an achievement, trust me, I am completely the world's most messy person, it's actually ridiculous!! Although, there are still bags of rubbish scattered round my bin and empty chocolate boxes!
Right now, attempt to go to sleep, seriously. Hoping this is successful!
Peace Out!!

Monday 18 January 2010


Ok, so on the eve of a biiig ass exam, I still cannot sleep, but I am just staring blankly at any work, so have come on here to vent my frustation at this!
And splurge all random musings that come into my head, such as, how Tony Curtis who used to be rather a good-lookin' fella...

Now looks like a Sontaran...

Ok, for those of you who are not cool and do not watch Doctor Who, you will have to go look up Sontaran cos I'm not mean enough to put a lookalike picture next to case Tony Curtis googles himself, and being Tony Curtis and having a lotta money, he will then hire a hitman to kill me....Tony Curtis if you read this please don't hire a hitman!!!
Pretty much the extent of my thinkingness really, I mean come on it's three in the morning, my thoughts shouldn't go beyond comparing movie stars (awesome movie stars) to sci-fi warlords...
Also I think everyone should read Philip Larkin's 'This Be the Verse' and then the other dude 'This be the worst', very funny when you read both side by side.
Though I watched a section of the news or the one show, not sure which, about how Philip Larkin is remembered primarily for this poem and not many others which are far more poetic and brilliant...It is a very good poem though!!
It also gets you thinking where most families fall within the middle ground of the two poems, how many children's lives resemble that of Larkin's poem...I know mine resembles far more 'This be the worst' but I was lucky to have such a family and I think that's the shocking thing about Larkin's poetry, many people, such as myself, find it hard to imagine a family with that much resentment and blame.
See this is what happens when I try to sleep! I get random thoughts floating through my head...I have drunk far too much coke today! I really cannot sleep!!!!!
I think I may put Blackadder on til I fall asleep....
Adios Xx


This is seriously monster crazy insanity and makes my head hurt. I have been in the library for the best part of a weekend and got my essay in at 3.00pm today, to turn around and start my revision for tomorrow (which is what I really need to do now. I really should be learning about Lord retainers and translating passages of Beowulf and instead I am writing this.
Honestly, I have had enough tea, coke and pro-plus in the last 3 days to power most people for life and in fact, it's given me massive insomnia!!
So here's hopefully a brief collection of my thoughts...
Firstly, 'Gentlemen prefer Blondes' is such an awesome film, I recommend everyone watch it!!

It makes me so happy, even though Marilyn Monroe's character is unbelievably annoying!!
I also recommend Casablanca, I am completely in love with Humphrey Bogart, like massively!!
I apologise for not having picked a topic particularly to talk about...exam stress!!!
So this is it, for the time being...I have no book recommendations as I am too stressed about middle English (but I do recommend Beowulf!!)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

New Years, New me?

'You don't make resolution when the new year starts, the new year starts when you make your resolutions...'
No idea who said the above, but to some extent it's true. However, the New year is a time to consider what would make your next year even better. It pushes into your consciousness an awareness of things you could or should've done differently.
I don't regret anything I've ever done, even when I cut my fringe so short it wouldn't stay flat or when I went running head to toe in Lycra. Because that is what has led me to who I am now. And I like who I am now. :-)
Two weeks of illness and absence from uni haven't means I haven't had the greatest start, but it has meant I get to spend an extra week with my family, and not in a sleep-deprived stupor in halls (which I love by the way)
Anyway, a few resolutions I have made...
1. Go to my lectures (umm...haven't been to any last week! But to be fair I had flu :-p)
2. Spend less time napping in the middle of the day (I have spent the last two weeks asleep at all hours of the day)
3. Stay away from relationships which are bad for me. (umm..this is mostly working..small victories!!)
4. Spend more time in 'constructive' pursuits such as reading, writing..on here and for my paper and stories, in preparation for my hopefully future career.
So I'm not doing so well, but I have written on here so watch this space!!!

So what else have I been up to?
I wrote an exceptionally long essay on Sense and Sensibility and Oranges are not the only fruit.
Oranges is an exceptionally good book, by Jeanette Winterson and if you haven't read it, I recommend that you do. It's about a girl discovering her sexuality whilst growing up in a deeply religious background. Winterson claims it isn't autobiographical but there are massive parallells between the two.
I recently had a similar experience with my friend, who is a lesbian was blanked by a girl, on old friend, she had known since childhood. It made me exceptionally angry at the hypocrisy of some Christian's, because it is a religion that should be helping people to be more accepting, even if you don't agree with what people believe doesn't mean that you should reject them, you reject their beliefs, but ignoring someone you've known and were friends with because of a tiny part of their whole identity is shocking and upset me.
Anyway, what else have I read?
Grace Notes-is a book on a similar keel to some extent, it's about a woman who has left her Catholic family in Northern Ireland and returned for her father's funeral five years later, to find the Ireland the IRA left. She has also had a child in this time, again something her mother finds hard to deal with. The title Grace Notes is my favourite thing though, because the idea is about living life between the main stages, 'the notes', life is the bits inbetween the stages in the same way Grace notes are the bits between the notes.

Also, the Lost Symbol is excellent. I hate the intellectual snobbery surrounding Dan Brown, he creates fantastic stories as long as you remember not everything in it is as true as he suggests. But I think the main objection is that they do teach people to question, governments, religions, economic systems and that's why people don't like them. The intellectuals want to stay elite, they do not like bringing any ideas to the 'masses' and reject and mass culture through fear it will some how 'dumb them down'.

A brilliant film! It illustrates way humans deal with cultures they don't understand, through destroying and changing it. How greed leads to a desire for ignorance.
It has an important message for today's society, it is ignorance that breeds the hatred between cultures, it was ignorance and greed that led to the British empire deciding all other cultures were savage and basic. The thing they didn't realise is that it is our intrusion that made them savage. They weren't the primitive culture, WE were. It also has cool blue people in it. And an amazing setting, or 'graphics' (I dunno, this is why I do an arts degree!!)
I had a dream the other day about the weird 6 legged flying bird horse things, someone was arguing weird flying horse rights because they get attcked...but I also had a dream a baby was trying to eat really odd...
Anyway, sure I've bored you enough...Xx