Monday 18 January 2010


Ok, so on the eve of a biiig ass exam, I still cannot sleep, but I am just staring blankly at any work, so have come on here to vent my frustation at this!
And splurge all random musings that come into my head, such as, how Tony Curtis who used to be rather a good-lookin' fella...

Now looks like a Sontaran...

Ok, for those of you who are not cool and do not watch Doctor Who, you will have to go look up Sontaran cos I'm not mean enough to put a lookalike picture next to case Tony Curtis googles himself, and being Tony Curtis and having a lotta money, he will then hire a hitman to kill me....Tony Curtis if you read this please don't hire a hitman!!!
Pretty much the extent of my thinkingness really, I mean come on it's three in the morning, my thoughts shouldn't go beyond comparing movie stars (awesome movie stars) to sci-fi warlords...
Also I think everyone should read Philip Larkin's 'This Be the Verse' and then the other dude 'This be the worst', very funny when you read both side by side.
Though I watched a section of the news or the one show, not sure which, about how Philip Larkin is remembered primarily for this poem and not many others which are far more poetic and brilliant...It is a very good poem though!!
It also gets you thinking where most families fall within the middle ground of the two poems, how many children's lives resemble that of Larkin's poem...I know mine resembles far more 'This be the worst' but I was lucky to have such a family and I think that's the shocking thing about Larkin's poetry, many people, such as myself, find it hard to imagine a family with that much resentment and blame.
See this is what happens when I try to sleep! I get random thoughts floating through my head...I have drunk far too much coke today! I really cannot sleep!!!!!
I think I may put Blackadder on til I fall asleep....
Adios Xx